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How A Person Can Get A Recovery From The Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

Wellness - Ruth - October 16, 2022

Sensory swings are the latest trend in alternative treatment for kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism. Sensory swings involve swinging on a swing that is fitted with sensory-enhancing blankets or pillows, which is supposed to help children feel calm and focused. 

In a typical sensory swing session, a child sits on a swing with his or her feet dangling off the end of the seat. The therapist will then place a sensory-enhancing blanket over the child’s legs and hands, while the therapist stands by holding onto the child’s foot. The therapist will slowly move the swing up and down, allowing the child to go higher and farther each time. This is done until the child feels comfortable enough to let go of the foot and hang from the seat. 

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A sensory swing can be used as a calming technique to help your child relax. It is also beneficial for those who have trouble staying focused or are easily overwhelmed, as it helps them tune out distractions and stay in the moment. For many, sensory swings can be a great way to address sensory processing issues. They don’t require any equipment and can be administered at home. 

However, there may be some risks involved when using sensory swings. In this article, we’re going to discuss whether these swings are safe and whether they should be used in lieu of traditional treatments for ADHD and autism. 

Is Sensory Swinging Good for ADHD? 

Sensory swings have been around since the 1970s, but haven’t gained much popularity among parents and therapists. A few years ago, however, the method became more popular after Dr. Andrew Adesman released a book claiming that it could help treat ADHD. Since then, several other books have also come out promoting the use of sensory swings in treating ADHD. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics released a statement in 2015 saying that there wasn’t enough evidence to support the use of sensory swings as an intervention for ADHD. Although they did say that there was “some anecdotal evidence, including reports of improved behavior” of those who had received sensory swings, they said that more research needed to be conducted before any conclusions could be made about the effectiveness of these swings. 

They went on to recommend that therapists avoid recommending the use of sensory swings until more studies were conducted. Despite their recommendation, there has still been a significant increase in the number of parents seeking out sensory swings as a possible form of therapy for their children. 

Although there hasn’t been enough research to prove that sensory swings work, there are some theories about how they might benefit people with ADHD and autism. One theory holds that people with ADHD or autism may not be able to regulate their emotions well — their bodies get so stressed out that they start to shut down. Through sensory swings, you can help your child learn to regulate his or her own stress levels, improving their ability to focus and stay calm. 

Another theory holds that people with ADHD or autism may lack the ability to filter out extraneous stimuli — they take in too much information and are unable to process it all. Through sensory swings, you give them an opportunity to slow down and focus on what is important to them in order to improve their ability to concentrate and process information. 

Some parents report that sensory swings helped their children pay better attention in school. Others claim that their children felt calmer and less anxious, resulting in fewer behavioral problems. Unfortunately, most of these claims cannot be verified through scientific testing. 

Many parents report that their children experienced less anxiety and felt calmer while being swung; others reported that their children had nightmares and cried uncontrollably during sessions. Both of these symptoms can point towards potential side effects of sensory swings. 

Although sensory swings aren’t dangerous per se, they do pose some health risks if used improperly. Some parents report that their children experienced pain or discomfort while being swung, but didn’t tell their therapists because they thought it would stop the therapy. If a child suffers from chronic pain, it might make him or her feel uncomfortable during sessions, leading to tantrums and meltdowns. 

If you decide to go ahead with a sensory swing session, you should definitely speak with a doctor first to ensure that it isn’t causing your child any pain or discomfort. You should also check with your child’s doctor before implementing any changes to his or her diet or medications. 

What About Autism? 

Autism spectrum disorders are characterized by difficulties in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. Like ADHD, autism often presents itself in young children and is difficult to diagnose. 

Because of these differences, it’s hard to know if sensory swings are helpful for someone with autism. As mentioned above, the main reason why parents seek out sensory swings is to help their children cope with behavioral problems. But if your child doesn’t have behavioral problems, then it’s unlikely that he or she will find the experience therapeutic. 

That being said, there are some benefits that sensory swings could offer those with autism. Many autistic individuals struggle to regulate their emotions, and sensory swings provide them with the chance to regulate their moods and increase their ability to focus. For some, sensory swings may even help reduce their sensitivity to noise and light, giving them an opportunity to decrease their environmental sensitivity. 

Unfortunately, many autistic adults struggle to manage their lives on their own and have difficulty finding jobs. Because of this, many choose to live independently instead of continuing to receive care from professional caregivers. While this can be a good choice for people who want to live an independent lifestyle, it can lead to isolation and loneliness. 

If you think that a sensory swing session might be beneficial for your child, talk to your doctor before attempting it. You don’t want to risk having a meltdown or hurting yourself during your child’s session. 

What To Do Next 

If you think that sensory swings might be beneficial for your child, it’s best to consult with a medical professional before starting a new therapy. Talk to your doctor about if it’s appropriate for your child and ask questions about its safety and any potential side effects. Remember, just because something sounds like a good idea, doesn’t mean that it’s right for everyone.

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