I’m going to briefly cover the top three types of fat burners out there today. But before I do, let me clarify some important points. First, fat burners are supplements designed to help you lose weight. So they won’t magically melt away all of that unwanted fat off your body. What they can do is help you burn more calories throughout the day, thus allowing you to lose weight faster.
Second, each type of fat burner works slightly differently. For example, fat burners that contain caffeine and green tea extract are supposed to help you burn more calories throughout the day. But they don’t work quite as well as those that contain L-carnitine.
Third, fat burners are not meant to replace regular exercise; rather, they should be taken along with a healthy diet and proper workout regimen.
Now that you understand why fat burners work, here are the top three types of fat burners that you should consider purchasing if you want to lose weight quickly and safely.
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1) Fat Burners With Ephedra
There are many fat burners that contain ephedra, which is an herbal stimulant traditionally used to treat asthma. Ephedra has a reputation for being an appetite suppressant, and this is partially true. It can help you feel full longer, and it can sometimes cause insomnia and anxiety.
However, ephedra-containing fat burners also have a few drawbacks. One is that they can have serious side effects. When taken in large quantities, ephedra can lead to high blood pressure, heart problems, and seizures.
Another disadvantage of using ephedra-based fat burners is that they tend to cause weight fluctuations. This is because ephedra stimulates your adrenal glands, leading to increased adrenaline production. Increased adrenaline causes water retention, and you may end up packing on more weight than usual.
2) Fat Burners That Contain Caffeine
Most fat burners that contain caffeine are marketed towards women who want to look good for their first date. Although there’s nothing wrong with using a fat burner prior to your date, these products aren’t recommended if you plan to drink alcohol while taking them.
A cup of coffee provides around 200 milligrams of caffeine. So when you decide to use a fat burner, it’s wise to stay within safe limits. Taking more than 400 milligrams of caffeine daily can result in headaches, nausea, vomiting, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and tremors.
Even worse, long-term consumption of caffeine can cause insomnia.