Delta 8 gummies have become increasingly popular among cannabis users and first-timers alike. These THC-infused edibles offer a milder high than traditional marijuana, making them an ideal way to introduce yourself to a cannabis experience without feeling overwhelmed. If you’ve just purchased your first package of Exhale’s delta 8 gummies, here’s what you need to know about how to enjoy them safely and properly.
Start Slow and Low
When using any THC product, starting slow and low with your dosage is best. Start with a single gummy – no matter how tempting – as the effects can take up to two hours or more before they fully set in. When trying Delta 8 gummies for the first time, ensure you are in a comfortable setting where you will not be disturbed. Also, ensure that you have access to plenty of water and snacks in case you do get hungry while enjoying your edible adventure.
Know Your Limits
You must understand your own tolerance when trying Delta 8 gummies for the first time. Everyone reacts differently to cannabinoid products, so even if your friend took one gummy and felt nothing at all, this doesn’t mean that the same will happen to you; don’t let it influence your decision on how many gummies you should consume during your initial foray into edibles. Most importantly, remember that Delta 8 gummies can stay active in your system much longer than smoking or vaping flower – so wait until any potential effects have completely worn off before consuming more!
Understand How It Feels
Like other forms of cannabis consumption, every person’s experience with Delta 8 is unique; some people may feel energized while others may feel slightly sedated after indulging in these treats. Usually when taking Delta 8 gummies for the first time people report feeling relaxed yet focused – similar sensations experienced from regular marijuana but without the intense psychoactive effects associated with higher levels of THC (Delta 9). Regardless of which sensation resonates most strongly with whichever type of user – always keep in mind that this is meant as an enjoyable experience meant only for leisurely purposes!
Eat Healthy Snacks Beforehand
Before diving head-first into partaking of Exhale’s Delta 8 Gummies, it would be wise to eat something healthy beforehand – like vegetables or fruit – as this will help moderate any potential stomach discomfort upon digestion. Eating foods high in fiber or fat can also help prevent nausea by slowing down absorption rates within the body; plus they provide added energy which might come in handy once those feelings begin kicking in!
Stay Hydrated Throughout the Use
Cannabis edibles are known for their munchy cravings afterward – whether due to increased appetite or simply because “the munchies” set in – so remain hydrated throughout use. Drinking plenty of fluids helps flush out any extra cannabinoids still lingering inside us while keeping us alert enough should we wish to partake again soon afterward! Additionally, drinking herbal tea shortly after ingestion often helps bring relief from nausea (should it occur).
Be Mindful Of Your Surroundings
Finally: never consume Exhale’s Delta8 Gummies (or any form of cannabis) if there is even a hint possibility that doing so could put you at risk legally speaking or otherwise endanger yourself or others around you through reckless behavior such as driving under its influence etcetera – safety precautions are paramount regardless of what type/brand/form factor we choose! And lastly: never share edibles with someone else who has not expressly requested them nor without having full knowledge about their medical history and/or dietary preferences beforehand either!